Embracing New Chapters

I turned 43


Honoring Milestones: Celebrating Birthdays and Aging as a Survivor of IPV-This article explores the significance of birthdays and the process of aging for survivors of IPV, discussing the emotions, reflections, and celebrations that come with reaching milestones and embracing new chapters in life.
Photo by averie woodard on Unsplash

Trauma filled my life with valleys and dips, with loneliness and fear, with nights dark and endless. There have been moments, more than I dare to admit to, when I knew the end had come. When I knew I couldn’t continue.

No one tells you that life after IPV is about reinventing yourself. Repeatedly. There’s no blueprint for it. You figure it out as you go. You stumble. And fall…



Margaret's Reflections
The Shortform

Articles on my recovery journey after a toxic relationship. Here's what you need to know after leaving an abusive relationship: https://bit.ly/3Qd5973